The Politeknik Negeri Semarang Community Service Team (Polines) chaired by Ari Sriyanto Nugroho with members Budi Basuki, Rizkha Ajeng, and Muhlasah Novitasari provided training to utilize organic waste as an air purifier at the Dasa Wisma Group, Tembalang Pesona Asri Housing, Kec. Tembalang, Semarang City (25/9). The resource persons in this community service activity came from the organic waste processing community, namely Mrs. Milen.
Organic waste processing materials that can be used come from all vegetable and fruit residues that become household waste. The composition of the ratio of making this air purifier is organic sugar: organic waste: water = 1: 3 : 10.
Next, all the ingredients are mixed together in one container and then closed tightly. The material can be reopened after being left for 3 months. The container will develop good bacteria such as probiotics which can be used as an air purifier in the room. The trick is the composition of the organic waste liquid: water = 1:100, so for example the organic waste liquid is 1ml then it is biased mixed with 100 ml of water.
“The purpose of this service is to provide knowledge and its implementation to empower housewives in Tembalang Pesona Asri, Semarang. The provision of these skills can be used as additional income to increase independence and present a business that produces a product that is needed by the community on an ongoing basis, namely by realizing an air purifier product. Mr. Budi said.