Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) students have succeeded in creating a calorie tracking spoon. The tool, named Spoonycal, was developed by Alfino Almero Suroso and his team.
As we know, health is something that needs to be considered. Especially in today's era. Obesity or overweight is a problem that is quite dangerous for the body. Not only about weight, but also the disruption of the working system of organs in the body such as the heart.
How It Works Quite Simple
The innovation promoted by Polines students will certainly be very useful for people who want a healthy diet or regulate their weight as a preventive measure. Alfino said, the way Spoonycal works is quite simple.
Quoted from the official Vocational Ministry of Education and Culture website on Wednesday (24/8/2022), the way Spoonycal works is by pulling the food to be consumed into the spoon, then the spoon will automatically calculate and tell the number of calories in the food.
"We developed this spoon using Internet of Things (IOT) technology," said Alfino.
Furthermore, the Polines student explained, Spoonycal was created with a mobile system that is integrated using a hotspot or WiFi, so that its use can track calorie intake that has been entering the body.
Alfino and his team hope that Spoonycal can help people, especially those who have diseases such as diabetes or chronic obesity.
"We hope that this spoon can help the general public, especially those who have diseases such as diabetes or chronic obesity, so that they can control the calories consumed every day," added Alfino.
Spoonycal will continue to be developed and reproduced
Dr. Ir. Kurnianingsih, ST, MT, as the supervising lecturer in the project, said that the findings from his students will continue to be developed and reproduced to assist the community in maintaining health and reducing obesity.
"We will continue to develop this discovery so that it can continue to provide benefits for the community in maintaining health and reducing obesity in Indonesia," he explained.
Source: detik.com