David Adhitya Stumer managed to get the first place in the Newscasting Competition Master Category in The 9th NPEO which will be held at Padang State Polytechnic from 23 to 26 May 2022. NPEO stands for National Polytechnic English Olympics, a prestigious national level English competency competition. The five competitions that are contested every year are English debate, news casting, speech, storytelling and writing. At the opening, the chairman of the organizing committee, Hendro Saptopramono, SS., M.Ed in TESOL, announced that the 2022 NPEO was attended by 51 public and private polytechnics from all over Indonesia with a total of 276 participants.
David, a 6th semester student of the International Business Management Study Program, had to go through several stages to win the first prize in the Newscasting Master category. On the first day is prelim 1, participants show TV Newscasting, the second day is prelim 2, participants show radio broadcasting. David got the highest score in prelims 1 and 2 of all 51 participants. The last stage was the final round of the Master category, the contestants had to show Talkshow with one resource person who has been prepared by the organizing committee. As stated by the person in charge of the Polines delegation, Dewi Anggraeni, S.Pd., M.Pd. that the willingness to learn and train hard for the contestants as well as the support of related parties and trainers greatly influences the best achievement. For that, Ms. Dewi is grateful to Mr. Aris Sunindyo, SE, MM, Deputy Director of Division 3 Polines who gave the opportunity and Dra. Nur Rini, M.Pd. and Polines Alumni, Alief Gusti and Adelia Putri who trained the delegates. This is the first time that Polines won first place in the master category in the competition Newscasting in NPEO.
It should be noted that previously David Adhitya Stumer won the branch Speech on The 8th NPEO (2021) and also the 1st winner of the competition Business Presentation in 2021 National BAC (Business Administration Competitions) in Pontianak.
Of the five competitions that were competed, Polines sent four students to three competitions, namely Debate represented by Alfi Januar, Mechanical Engineering Study Program, semester 2 and Hanna Maghfiroh, Informatics Study Program semester 2, Newscasting represented by David, and Writing represented by Priscilla Miki, a student of the 6th semester of MBI Study Program. Priscilla Miki managed to occupy the top nine, finalist Writing Masters category.
From the Sriwijaya Polytechnic which won the overall championship for the fourth time, we can learn that awareness and active involvement of all components are needed to achieve the highest achievement. The role of Polines alumni, especially those who have been NPEO champions in regularly training juniors through the PECC (Polytechnic English Conversation Club) forum, is needed to improve the quality of contestants. It is expected that Polines can send 10 participants which is the maximum number for The 10th NPEO next year.