Polynes Weekend Technology – IX has been carried out by the Semarang State Polytechnic Knowledge Development Student Activity Unit on the odd semester end vacation of the Semarang State Polytechnic, namely February 27, 2022 and March 04 – 06 2022. Polines Weekend Technology – IX with the theme “Building a Superior Generation with Sustainable Technology” is a series of national level events consisting of National Webinars and Polines Robotic Contest 2022. Polines Event Weekend Technology – IX aims to explore the potential and develop talents and creativity of people throughout Indonesia in the field of technology.

The first series of activities from Polines Technology Weekend – IX is the National Webinar. On Polines Technology Weekend – IX, the National Webinar has the theme “Challenge Opportunity Autonomous in the EBT-Based Automotive Sector” which was held on February 27, 2022 separately on line through zoom meeting. The National Webinar is open for free to the public through website UKM PP with Dr. Ir. Tarwaji, MT as EVP Corporate Strategic Planning Performance and Risk Management PT Indonesia Power and Dr.rer.nat.Nolang Fanani as Deputy Manager at Hyundai Mobis R&D Europe, moderated by Mrs. Dr. Dwiana Hendrawati, ST, MT, Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Semarang State Polytechnic.

The National Webinar was officially opened by hitting the gong by the General Chairperson of the Semarang State Polytechnic's Knowledge Development Student Activity Unit. The National Webinar takes place at 10.00 – 15.00 WIB. The first presentation of the material was by Dr. Ir. Tarwaji, MT for 30 minutes and a question and answer session for 30 minutes. After the presentation of the first material, there was an isoma for 30 minutes and it was reopened with entertainment in the form of dance. After the entertainment, it was continued with the presentation of the second speaker, namely Dr.rer.nat.Nolang Fanani for 40 minutes and followed by a question and answer session for 20 minutes. At the end of the event, entertainment was given back in the form of acoustic entertainment. To enliven the event, at the National Webinar there are also gifts door prize to participants.

The second series of activities from Polines Technology Weekend – IX is Polynes Robotic Contest 2022 with the theme "Improve Your Robotic Skills in The Covid – 19 Pandemic” on 04 – 06 March 2022. At Polines Technology Weekend – IX Polines event Robotic Contest 2022 was first held annually on line through the media zoom meeting. Polynes Robotic Contest followed by 73 teams from various agencies ranging from SMP/SMA/Equivalent and Universities throughout Indonesia. Polynes Robotic Contest 2022 starts with Running Test, then Preliminary Rounds 1 and 2, Semi-Finals, and Finals. Polines Participants Robotic Contest 2022 is very excited and enthusiastic about participating in the initial series of Polines . events Robotic Contest 2022 until the end of the event. This is evidenced by the participation of teams from various schools to wait for their turn to compete.

(Polines Championship Submission Robotic Contest 2022 Symbolically)

In this competition, they competed for the Governor of Central Java's rotating trophy for 1st place. In addition to 1st place, there were also 2nd place, 3rd place, 1st place winner, 2nd runner-up, and 3rd place winner. Best Design. Champion from Polines Robotic Contest 2022 received awards in the form of trophies, certificates, and coaching money. Whereas for Best Design receive an award in the form of a certificate.

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