The Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) Community Service Team with the Primary Scheme consisting of lecturers in the Accounting Department of the Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines), recently carried out activities at the "AYAM TIKTOK" food stall located at Jalan Gondang Timur 1 No. 16B Bulusan Tembalang. This activity was carried out by providing guidance on the implementation of the calculation of the cost of production as well as providing assistance in the use of environmentally friendly product packaging that is useful for increasing the productivity of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in the "AYAM TIKTOK" Restaurant.
During operation, these MSME have not implemented calculations regarding the cost of production and the use of environmentally friendly food packaging. "So the community service team is motivated to provide assistance to MSMEs in implementing the calculation of the cost of production and the use of environmentally friendly product packaging," said Jati Handayani as Head of the Community Service team.
This activity begins with an introduction to the urgency of determining the cost of production for a business in order to create an appropriate, fair, and competitive selling price in the market and convey the importance of environmentally friendly packaging today to preserve the environment. Furthermore, providing an explanation to the owner how to implement the calculation of the cost of production of MSME in the food stall "AYAM TIKTOK" through the use of Microsoft Excel media by Polines lecturer Lardin Korawijayanti with material introduction by Hamida Damayanti and Aliyah Nurhimah, a student member of the service team. The last series of this activity is assistance in assembling environmentally friendly product packaging boxes by the pratama community service team carried out together with the owner.
This community service received a positive response from the owner of the MSME food stall "AYAM TIKTOK". As stated by Mrs. Kumariyati who is the owner of the food stall, she said "Thank you to the lecturers, for helping us through this service activity, may God bless you and your Tik Tok chicken business will continue to advance". In this service activity, the service team also provided assistance to MSME in the form of production equipment such as pots and blenders, MMT food stalls "AYAM TIKTOK", motorbike baskets, and environmentally friendly packaging. This assistance is expected to increase the production and sales of "AYAM TIKTOK" so that it can continue to grow and be known by the wider community.