The Bidikmisi Student Family of the Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Kamadik Polines) held a Social Service (Baksos) on January 30, 2022 which took place at the Riyadussalam Orphanage, Bulusan, Kec. Tembalang, Semarang City with the theme "A Little Kindness, to Share a Happiness".
The purpose of this activity is to increase the spirit of caring for others, increase a sense of togetherness, and establish friendship with the children of the Riyadussalam Orphanage.
This activity was attended by 24 of the 40 children of the Riyadussalam Orphanage, the Riyadussalam Orphanage Management, as well as several committee members from Kamadik Polines. The event ended with the delivery of basic necessities, donations, and a photo with the children of the Riyadussalam Orphanage.
With this event, it is hoped that Kamaadik Polines can become an organization that is beneficial to the surrounding environment and increases a sense of concern for members of BPH Kamadik Polines.