“Initiating Young People Respond to Disasters, Young People Responding to Weak Alert”
Sunday, November 21, 2021 Ministry of Social Community BEM Semarang State Polytechnic held an activity Youth Volunteer Training with "Initiating Youth Responding to Disasters, Aging Old Weak Alert". This activity is a teaching as a first step in dealing with natural disasters as well as increasing preparedness and optimizing the volunteer skills of Semarang State Polytechnic students so as to create Semarang State Polytechnic students who are strong in disaster management.
This activity can encourage Semarang State Polytechnic students to have a high social and humanitarian spirit to be able to engage directly in the field of volunteerism. Therefore, the Ministry of Social Affairs provides disaster response training facilities through this activity to Semarang State Polytechnic students and in particular to Shading UKM involved in disaster and humanitarian matters, namely KSR PMI Polines Unit, Racana Pandawa, and Student Regiment.
This activity was attended by all STO Youth Volunteer Training Semarang State Polytechnic BEM, totaling 20 people, is located in Semarang State Polytechnic Multipurpose Room, and the rest through Zoom Clouds Meeting. Participant Youth Volunteer Training totaled 178 people consisting of 138 registrants and 40 delegates from the Semarang State Polytechnic ORMAWA.
Activity Youth Volunteer Training This was filled in by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Semarang City, namely Ardyanto Rudy Satriya, ST, and an activist engaged in disaster volunteering, namely Muhammad Taufiq Ulinuha. In his presentation, Mr. Ardyanto Rudy Satriya, ST explained the material about the role of volunteers before a disaster occurs, when there is a potential for disaster preparedness and when a disaster occurs. The enthusiasm of the participants was seen by the many questions addressed to the speaker. For further presentation by Brother Muhammad Taufiq Ulinuha contains about share his experience as a volunteer as well as share several articles he has written. In his presentation he also explained about the three types of volunteers, Panca Darma Volunteers and the principles of volunteer work.
This event lasts for three hours, starting at 08.30 WIB and ending at 11.30 WIB. The event was closed with a group photo and the giving of certificates and plaques to the speakers.
Youth Volunteer Training 2021 Youth Volunteer Training 2021 Youth Volunteer Training 2021