PCC UKM Basic Training Activities With the Theme "Upgrade Your Skill With PCC"

Basic Training is one of the activities of SMEs PCC which is carried out to share knowledge about IT to all prospective new members of UKM PCC. Basic Training It provides training and introduces the three departmental areas under Workshop SMEs PCC that is Software, Network and Multimedia to prospective new members of UKM PCC. Basic Training It is important to do this considering that current technological developments continue to develop so that adequate knowledge of the IT field is needed.

Activity Basic Training organized by on line via Zoom and offline at the UKM Post PCC

Activity Basic Training by theme "Upgrade Your Skills With PCC organized by UKM Polytechnic Computer Club attended by approximately 150 people consisting of Participants and Committee Basic Training. Participant Basic Training is a prospective new member consisting of level I and level II students of the Semarang State Polytechnic. While the Committee Basic Training is the STO of UKM PCC.

Activity Basic Training it starts on November 6, 2021 which was previously held Technical Meeting regarding the systematic training and installation of applications used during training. Then the training is divided into two days, namely Saturday and Sunday where each department software, multimedia, and Network each gave two days of training. Department Software provide training on 6-7 November 2021. Then for the department Multimedia November 13-14, 2021, and for departments Network  on 20-21 November 2021. Each training session begins with an introduction to the training materials. Then it is filled with the delivery of material and direct practice, and ends with closing. This activity ends with the collection of final project by participants.

The best 3 participants who can complete final project properly and correctly from each department Software, Multimedia, and Network will get rewards. This is done so that the participants are enthusiastic in participating in the training and working on the same final projects.

In addition, although training activities are carried out regularly, on line but the participants remained enthusiastic in participating in the activity until it was finished.

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