Webinar Public Speaking & Interview With the Theme “Improve Your Skill in Speaking to Upgrade Your Value”

Webinar Activities Public Speaking & Interview is a work program carried out by the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Semarang State Polytechnic. The activity will be held on Sunday, October 30, 2021. This activity has the theme “Improve Your Skill in Speaking to Upgrade Your Value". Webinar Activities Public Speaking & Interview aims as a learning tool for students who want to improve their speaking skills or as a preparation for students to enter the world of work.

In addition to developing the mindset and ideas of students in public speaking.

This activity was attended by internal and external students of the Semarang State Polytechnic, as well as representatives of two people from each ormawa. Webinar Activities Public Speaking & implemented online via online via zoom meeting from 08.30 – 11.20 WIB. This activity began with the opening of the event which was opened by the MC after that followed by remarks from the chairman of the committee and the student president who was represented by the vice chairman of the student president. Then enter the main event with the presentation of material by M. Syafiul Muktapa who discusses the material public speaking in the form of things that need to be considered when public speaking, effective speaking tips, how to gain confidence and overcome anxiety (nervous) for 50 minutes. In addition to presenting the material, participants are welcome to ask questions to the presenters for 10 minutes. The second material was delivered by M. Sidik Septian for 50 minutes regarding the material interview in the form of the importance of interviews, things that are needed when interviews, and mistakes that are often made and then followed by a question and answer for 10 minutes. Webinar Activities Public Speaking & Interview This ended with a group photo session as documentation.

Participants of the Public Speaking & Interview Webinar


Material Presentation Public Speaking


Material presentation Interview

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