OPREC UKM SPORT 2021 With the Theme “Creating a Synergized Generation in Organization in the Midst of a Pandemic”

open recruitment UKM SPORT 2021 with the theme “Creating a Synergized Generation in Organization in the Middle of a Pandemic” by UKM SPORT was held on Friday, October 29, 2021 and Saturday, October 30, 2021, located around the PKM Building, MDH Mosque, MST 3rd floor, and BAKPK Semarang State Polytechnic .

The aims and objectives of this activity are:

  1. As a means to prepare and select competent candidates for SPORT UKM management.
  2. As a means to increase knowledge and soft skills related to the organization for the management and candidates for the management of UKM SPORT.
  3. As a means share so that the candidates for the board do not repeat mistakes or correct the shortcomings of previous generations, and are able to provide new innovations.

Participants who have participated in the activity open recruitment The 2021 SPORT UKM with the theme "Creating a Synergized Generation in Organization in the Midst of a Pandemic" by the SPORT UKM consisted of 202 Semarang State Polytechnic students.

Activity open recruitment The 2021 SPORT UKM begins with the formation of a committee and continues with rabes-rabes (large meetings) to strengthen the activity plan. On Friday, October 29, 2021 activities open recruitment carried out with Zoom platform. The committee is located around the Semarang State Polytechnic PKM Building. The committee performs attendance and briefing at 18.30 WIB. The event started at 19.30 WIB starting with the opening by the MC, followed by remarks from the Chair of the SPORT UKM and the Head of the Organizer of the activity open recruitment. Then, it was continued with presentations per division in UKM SPORT represented by 3 people from each division. There are 5 divisions in UKM SPORT, the presentation started from the PH Division (Daily Management), the second from the Public Relations Division (Public Relations), the third from the HR & Spirituality Division (Human Resource Development), the fourth from the Training & Sports Division, and the last one is from the Household & KWU Division. Participants were also given the opportunity to ask questions and share. Then the event closed at 21.30 WIB.

On Saturday, October 30, 2021 activities open recruitment carried out with Zoom platform. The committee is located on the 3rd floor of MST, Semarang State Polytechnic. The committee takes attendance prepare and briefing at 07.30 WIB. The event started at 09.00 starting with the opening by the MC, followed by remarks from the Chair of the SPORT UKM, the Chief Executive of the activity Open recruitment, and SME SPORT coach. Then, it was continued with the delivery of material per division in UKM SPORT represented by 3 people from each division. The next event is a debate consisting of 3 cases. The debate consists of 3 sessions and 6 groups. The pro group consists of even groups and the con group consists of odd groups. The first session is group 2 and 5 debate, the second session is debate group 1 and 4, and the third session is debate group 3 and 6. Each session there is a conclusion after the pro and con groups give their arguments.

After the debate, the next event is an interview through VC WhatsApp Groups  for the interview session was divided into 18 classes. Each class is called individually to enter VC WhatsApp Groups interview and for other participants waiting in Whatsapp groups. While waiting for their turn, the participants in the group wait accompanied by the committee to do share. Interviews were conducted around the PKM Building, MDH Mosque and around BAKPK. The interview session started from 12.45 WIB until 14.30 WIB. After the interview session is over, the committee prays and performs review for improvement events forward.


Message from the Chairperson of UKM SPORT 2021/2022


Submission of Daily Management Division Materials


Enthusiasm of the 2022/2023 SPORT UKM Management Candidate Follows open recruitment

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