Public Service Training for ASN in Employee Self-Development and Mental Revolution Based on Pancasila

Mental revolution is actually an effort to achieve the main goal of national development, which is to improve the quality of human life and the people of Indonesia. Mental revolution can be interpreted as an approach in realizing the noble ideals of the founding fathers of the nation. A developed nation is determined by a strong mentality, both individually and collectively from its citizens.

To realize this rapid change, the Center for Employee Education and Training of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology organizes training for ASN in the fields of public service, employee self-development and mental revolution based on Pancasila.

As a work unit within the Ministry of Education and Culture, Semarang State Polytechnic sent 4 staff to attend the training, namely Nisa Aulia Dalila, Wakhid Rokhayadi, Dwi Supriyanto and Irwan Suliyono. The training was held on September 13-19 2021 at the Education Quality Assurance Institute for the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

The training was filled by Widyaiswara from Pusdiklat and LPMP. At the end of the training, participants are required to prepare a Revolutionary Work Method in their respective work environments which is signed by their superiors and sent to the Education and Training Center.

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