PKM-Entrepreneurship Team Semarang State Polytechnic led by Nur Hidayanti (D3-Finance and Banking), with 3 members namely Lastri Rahayu Safitri (D3-Finance and Banking), Alifia Winda Lestari (D3-Accounting), Septi Nur Anggiah (D4- Computerized Accounting) accompanied by Ms. Siti Arbainah, SE, MM succeeded in creating a new innovation in processing glass bottle waste into a momentary reminder product that has aesthetic value.
The resulting product is an innovative photo storage product in a used glass bottle. This idea has made the PKM Team successful in becoming one of the PKM Teams that passed funding for the 2021 Student Creativity Program.
This idea stems from the increasing accumulation of household waste, especially glass bottle waste whose utilization is not yet clear, especially in Kebumen Regency. product of Bottle Arts as a Reminder of this Moment,” said Team Leader, Nur Hidayanti. "This also encourages us to partner with one of the collectors of used bottle waste in our area," he added.
To support the expansion of product marketing, the marketing strategy is carried out on line through social media Instagram and one of the marketplace shopee @alha store with product prices pegged at IDR 35,000-Rp 50,000 only.
It is hoped that after 4 months of implementing this program, this business can run smoothly continue, remembering the moments that are never broken throughout the year, so the opportunity to stay exist still a chance. "Hopefully this program can foster the spirit of independence and creativity of students. And the efforts that have been carried out can continue even though this program is finished," said the supervisor.