Official Polines with PTN Status Public Service Agency Financial Management Pattern (PPK BLU)

Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) has officially become a state university with PPK BLU status. This is stated in the Decree of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia No. 220/KMK.05/2021, dated June 7, 2021. "Thank God Polines has officially become one of the State Polytechnics that implements PPK BLU," said Supriyadi, Director of Polines, recently. He said the success was due to the hard work of all parties, especially the Polines academic community. "Of course this new status must be balanced with hard work, because the application of PPK BLU opens up opportunities as well as challenges," he said.

He hopes that with this change in status, Polines can further improve the quality of services to the community and can optimize asset utilization with the principles of efficiency, effectiveness and productivity.

The objectives of Polines implementing PPK BLU are (1). improve access to education through capacity building and service quality, (2). strengthening the implementation of programs and activities oriented to the provision of graduates who link and match with industrial needs. (3). optimizing the performance of the dharma of research & service involving partners, as well as carrying out teaching and learning processes that are oriented towards, project based, problem based, the theme of entrepreneurship and teaching industry, (4). flexibility in collecting and utilizing funds according to regulations.

After holding the status of PPK BLU, he said, Polines was transformed into a university that has the autonomy and flexibility in managing finances, managing assets and opportunities for wider collaboration with stake holders. Therefore, he invited the entire academic community and Polynes education staff to cooperate in the new era of PPK BLU governance. "Let's work together," he concluded.



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