PECC! Come and Join Us!
PECC Charity is an annual activity held by PECC UKM as a form of concern for PECC members for the surrounding community. For this year, PECC Charity begins with fundraising activities that have been carried out since December 15, 2020 and closed on January 20, 2021.
by utilizing PECC social media and management. Then the main activity itself will be held on Saturday, January 23, 2021, at the Rubbik School, Semarang. Rubbik School itself is an organization that cares about the education of children from low-income families. The purpose of this charity activity is, apart from increasing the social awareness of PECC members towards the surrounding community, we also hope that through this activity we can spread interest in English to the community.
This year's PECC Charity activity was carried out on line and offline. This is because current conditions do not allow all administrators to go directly to Rubbik School, so we decided that only 12 people went directly and other administrators watched this activity online through google meet. The remarks from the PECC supervisors and the PECC Chair were also delivered in a formal manner on line. The Rubbik School itself also only involves half of the total students. Activities carried out offline keep paying attention to health protocols because we don't want bad things to happen as a result of this activity.
This year, PECC has the theme “Sharing is Caring” with several activities. Before the event starts, we ask everyone involved to wash their hands and check the temperature first. Then for the main event, there are several activities, namely learning to count and singing in English, coloring competitions, and watching English films. The event closed with donations from the collected donations, group photos, and distribution of lunch.
Although this year's PECC Charity activity could not be attended by all PECC management directly, the excitement of this activity did not diminish. We hope that the donations and knowledge that we provide to the Rubbik School brothers and sisters can be useful. And we also hope that this pandemic will end soon so that the next charity event can be carried out more optimally.