The tax workshop is a new agenda held by the Accounting Department Student Association, where this year is the second year the agenda is being held. This year's theme is "Learning and Practicing about Taxes” with the topic of discussion "Implementation of Income Tax Policy (PPh) and Education on Filling e-SPT".
The selection of themes and topics of discussion is adjusted to the purpose of holding this activity, namely to increase the knowledge and skills of students majoring in accounting in the field of taxation, especially Income Tax (PPh) and its implementation by following the development of science and technology through a digital platform, namely e-SPT. This activity will be held on Thursday, January 14, 2021, starting at 08.00-11.00 WIB. Because the pandemic period has not ended, this activity is carried out online through the platform Zoom Meeting and attended by approximately 300 participants consisting of students majoring in accounting, delegates from ormawa, lecturers in taxation majoring in accounting, and the committee. The 2021 Taxation Workshop consists of two series of activities. The first activity is in the form of delivering material on the basic theory of Income Tax (PPh) by academics Tax Center Semarang State Polytechnic represented by Mr. Musyafa Al Farizi, SE, M, SI, then continued workshop in the form of training on filling out e-SPT delivered by Mr. Hiro Zaki as a practitioner from the Candisari Pratama Tax Office, Semarang. This series of activities is guided by a moderator who is quite skilled in the field of taxation and is able to build a pleasant learning atmosphere with the speakers. This event ran smoothly as evidenced by the consistent enthusiasm of the participants from the beginning to the end of the session workshop. In addition, when filling out attendance at the end of the session, participants are asked to provide criticism that must be addressed and suggestions that can be developed in the future Workshop Taxation 2022, from here the committee can draw the conclusion that Workshop The 2021 taxation has been successfully implemented and received feedback positive from the participants.