The Knowledge Development Student Activity Unit (UKM PP) Semarang State Polytechnic is the first time the Alumni Gathering has been held online through the application Zoom Meeting. This is due to anticipating the spread of Covid 19 that hit Indonesia. The event which took place on December 31, 2020 was attended by around 250 participants ranging from alumni, Organizational Structure (STO UKM PP), and prospective PP active members.
The alumni gathering is an annual activity that is communicative, focuses on share the experience of fellow PP UKM members. Then there was a screening of the documentation during the non-active members who had served so that indirectly the non-active members could reminisce. In addition to aiming to increase experience, it can also strengthen the relationship. The interesting thing about the PP alumni gathering is that all candidates for batch 26 serve as committee members, while the management only directs and guides.
This event began with the opening, remarks from the chief executive, general chairman, mobilization of breakout room. Before mobilization breakout room there should have been a speech from the PP UKM supervisor, namely Bambang Supriyo, BSEE., M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D, but he was unable to attend. In this mobilization, each member enters each room that has been previously divided, as well as alumni who are divided equally because there are six breakout rooms. After that, continued sharing with alumni accompanied by one moderator and one Liaison officer (LO). Here, members and administrators are free to ask what is most important within the scope of UKM PP. Session breakout room lasts for an hour by generating interesting conversations that will be useful in the future.
Next up is Discussion Sessions which will be brought to room zoom main event, where the moderator gave several questions to be answered by alumni who wanted to answer. Then, continued entertainment by presenting acoustics, Game Quiz and Guess the Picture. In game Quiz and Guess the picture can be followed by all participants from alumni, administrators and candidates for the 26th generation as well as for the winners get door prize. Although the gift is not too expensive, but useful.
Before the event closed, it was continued by giving messages and impressions during this event. The system represents one or two alumni giving messages and impressions, followed by PP administrators and finally the candidates for batch 26. These messages and impressions are very useful for administrators and candidates for batch 26. The event was closed with a virtual group photo session. Zoom Meeting. Although it was conducted online, the PP 2020 Alumni Gathering activities ran smoothly with the enthusiasm of alumni, administrators, and high-ranking 26 candidates.