Journalism Training with the theme “Build a New Character Through Journalism”

KSR PMI Polines Unit has held a Journalism Training with the theme "Build a New Ccharacter Through Jjournalism 27 December 2020 – 1 January 2021. The meaning of the theme is that through this journalistic training, members of the KSR PMI Polines Unit are expected to be able to build new characters, improve skills, and develop their knowledge in analyzing facts, writing titles, the art of writing, and photography.

The implementation of this journalism is guided by a speaker who has extraordinary experience, namely Kak Greg Subiakno, he is an Alumni of KSR PMI Polines Unit Batch 3 and he has written a book entitled Simpang Jalan, Success Without Troubles and Spirituality, The Mystery of Human Relations with God . In his training, Kak Greg is not alone. When guiding the training activities, he was assisted by his colleague, Kak Wati Artanto, who is also an Alumni of the Semarang State Polytechnic. He is an expert in blog writing having won several competitions in his blog.

Participants in the journalism training were attended by members and Cata 37 KSR PMI Semarang State Polytechnic Unit, totaling 91 students. The enthusiasm of friends in participating in a series of activities, even though it is in the year-end holidays, is still enthusiastic in working.

On the first day starting through Zoom Meeting  all participants get very useful knowledge obtained from the presenters about the basics of journalism. From that we can find out how we take everything object a good picture and of course from a good picture it can make a series of words to become a beautiful sentence. Then, on the next training day for the next five days, participants get the task of submitting their works in whatsapp group journalism training. After that, they will get suggestions and additions from the presenters with the aim of justifying so that there are no mistakes both in taking pictures and in making sentences.




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