2020 Academic Gathering and Advocacy Work Program “Aspirations Towards Accomplished Accounting”

The 2020 Academic and Advocacy Gathering (TEKAD) with the theme "Aspirations Towards Accomplished Accounting" organized by the Accounting Department Student Association is an activity that is expected to allow opinions, criticisms, suggestions, and also the advocacy rights that have been held by students of the Accounting Department to be able to channeled officially through a joint forum

, between students and the academic community of the Semarang State Polytechnic, so that students can immediately know how to respond and respond to the opinions that have been given. This activity also hopes for the formation of harmonious cooperation between the academic community and students of the Accounting Department with the intent and purpose of being able to develop the Accounting Department to be better. This TEKAD activity was carried out on Monday, November 30, 2020 using the media Zoom Meeting. This activity also invited the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, the Head of the Accounting Department, the Secretary of the Accounting Department, the Head of the Accounting Study Program, the Head of the Laboratory, PBM officers, and helper officers majoring in Accounting. The essence of this activity is the presentation of research results that have been published from November 14-23, 2020, followed by a question and answer session between general students of Accounting and the Department. The event went smoothly and the participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the activities from the beginning to the end of the event. After this event, it is hoped that the aspirations of Accounting students can be achieved.

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