The Thematic Seminar (Semtik) is an event held once every year by the Student Executive Board of the Semarang State Polytechnic (BEM Polines) in commemoration of the 38th Anniversary of the Semarang State Polytechnic. The theme for this Thematic Seminar is “The Bright Idea for Start Up Business on Pandemic” which contains knowledge on how the millennial generation, especially students, to explore science and technology to start a start-up business, which is followed by material to maintain the economy during a pandemic.
This Thematic Seminar was held online through a discussion platform called Zoom with an event providing material on knowledge about how to become a successful millennial generation in responding to business challenges during this pandemic. This event was attended by BEM Polines management and participants of the Thematic Seminar.
The 2020 Thematic Seminar event started from 08.00 am to 11.00 pm and was attended by 300 participants from Polines students and delegates from BEM Semarang Raya. There were 2 speakers in this seminar, namely Rade Tapubolon as a speaker in the Startup field, then Danu Sofwan as the second speaker in the field of economics. This seminar ran smoothly with high enthusiasm of the participants.
It is hoped that after the material presented in this Thematic Seminar, all participants are able to take advantage of opportunities to create new innovations that are useful for the community as well as answer challenges in the midst of a pandemic like today.
2020 Thematic Seminar Moderators
Speaker 2 Danu Sofwansa
Speaker 1 Rade Tampubolon
2020 Thematic Seminar Participants