The Sharia Economic Training activity is one of the work programs held by the Department of Human Resources at KSEI Jazirah Polines for new students at the Semarang State Polytechnic, especially for the Sharia Banking study program. This activity is in the form of providing material on Islamic economics and the formation of a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) to help new students be critical in addressing issues regarding current Islamic economics. This activity is carried out online through a face-to-face application, namely Zoom Meet.
All Polines students can take part in this activity, but it is highly prioritized for new students in 2020 and also prospective members of the management of the KSEI Jazirah Polines in the future. Considering the main purpose of the Sharia Economic Training activity is to provide knowledge about Islamic economics and provide knowledge about the importance of leadership traits in organizing to new Polines students in 2020. There were 98 participants in this activity. Most of the students participated in level I. Registration for this activity was done through an online registration form in the form of a google form which was distributed by the committee through social media.
The Sharia Economic Training activity was held for two days, namely on 7-8 November 2020. The first day was filled with Islamic economics material which was guided by presenters who were quite knowledgeable about the material. Then, on the second day it was filled with Forum Group Discussion (FGD), which is a discussion forum in which each participant has been divided and formed according to their respective groups. This forum is accompanied by LO if there are obstacles in conveying opinions on case studies given by the committee to activity participants.
In the implementation of the Sharia Economics Training, the participants were accompanied by two speakers and one LO for each FGD group that was formed. During the event, participants were given time to ask questions and express their opinions on the first day, namely in the material presentation session and participants also participated in taking part in the activities of the first day of SET in an orderly manner. On the second day of the event, namely the FGD event held via google meet, participants were able to give each other arguments regarding the case studies given by the committee to the participants of this SET activity. However, there were several obstacles experienced during the event. The obstacle is in the form of a signal or internet network which is quite disturbing the course of the event, whether it is an obstacle by the participants or the committee. In addition, problems also occurred on the second day of the FGD event. Some participants were forcibly unable to take part in all of the discussion sessions on November 8, 2020 due to another activity that coincided with the FGD activities, so not all participants took part in this discussion forum.
At the end of the SET event, participants were given the opportunity to express their opinions and conclusions regarding the case studies that were discussed on the second day of the event. Not only that, participants can also submit criticisms and suggestions on this activity. At the end of the SET event, which is the FGD, participants will be invited to take a group photo via google meet as documentation of the participation of participants who are actively involved in Sharia Ekonomi Training activities.