LKMMD & WOO 2020 Work Program “Build a spirit of Leadership whit Character, Ethics, and Responsibility”

Basic Student Management Skills Training and Organizational Orientation Insights (LKMMD & WOO) is one of the activities of the Accounting Department Student Association which is held annually and is attended by participants from Accounting Department students. LKMMD & WOO as one of the requirements in registering in ORMAWA and UKM at Semarang State Polytechnic.

In this event, participants are also taught how to manage time when they are in an organization. This year is hampered by the virus outbreak Covid-19, then LKMMD & WOO 2020 is held online through the application zoom for 2 days, 7 – 8 November 2020. The purpose of this activity is to train management and provide insight about organizing at HiMA and other organizations at the Semarang State Polytechnic. At LKMMD & WOO 2020, 329 participants from new students and level 2 students participated in this activity. This activity provided 5 material presentations for the participants. The material provided is Social Material which aims to make participants understand the role of students who are good and accepted in society, this material was brought by Adam Herlangga (Wapresma BEM KBM POLINES 2019). Furthermore, the Organizational Material which is explained so that students know the goals and results that will be received when organizing, this material was brought by Bayu Septian (Chairman of BEM KM UNY 2020, Korwil Central Java-DIY BEM SI 2020). The Action Material delivered by Didik Armansyah (Wapresma BEM KM UNNES 2019), explained the basis for the action so that the action participants did not just join in without knowing the background of the action being held. Furthermore, there are Motivation Control Materials which aim to make participants able to motivate and manage themselves to achieve the desired goals, this material was presented by Fery Andrian (Presma BEM KBM POLINES 2020). The session material explained the correct trial procedure so that when the general assembly had a basis for carrying it out, this material was brought by Faishal Nur Habsyi (BPM KBM POLINES 2020). On the second day, the event held a session screening to assess the extent to which participants understand the material that has been conveyed. Participants also get certificates and grades from the session screening.


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