Introducing Polynes Knowledge Development SMEs through “Workshop Essays”

Workshop Essay is one of the work programs of the Semarang State Polytechnic Knowledge Development UKM. This activity is in the form of delivering material on the procedures for writing and making essay which is carried out on line via app Zoom Meeting.

This activity can be followed by all active polines students, but it is very prioritized for new students in 2020 and also prospective active members of the Knowledge Development UKM. The main objective of the Workshop Essay is so that the participants can gain knowledge about essay writing besides that it can also be used for writing branding Knowledge Development UKM for new Polines students in 2020. Participants who registered in this activity were 150 students, mostly from level 1 students. Registration for this activity is done through an online registration form in the form of google forms published by the committee through the Knowledge Development UKM social media account and their respective social media accounts.

After the presentation of the material, participants were given the opportunity to ask the speaker during the question and answer session through the column chat and audio  Zoom Meeting. To support the excitement of the event, the committee prepared several dooprize aimed at several categories of winners with the following details: participants with: twibbon captions the most interesting, the earliest arrival time participants, the most active participants. Winners will be announced on the same day.

Knowledge development SMEs cannot carry out Workshop events Essay by offline due to the current state of affairs. For this reason, the implementation of these activities is carried out regularly on line without reducing the essence and purpose of the activity.

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