According to the National Development Planning Agency in the 2030 Agenda:
sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a new development agreement that encourages changes that shift towards sustainable development based on human rights and equality to promote social, economic and environmental development.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has redefined the concept of sustainable development as a development that economically does not produce emissions and environmental pollution, saves resources and is socially equitable. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) comes by providing more detailed indicators of sustainable development through 17 goals, which include eradicating poverty, hunger, health, and climate change so that the phrase 'sustainable development' is no longer just a speech but becomes a global future reality. Indonesia is also one of the countries that has a dream to implement and achieve every goal stated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Therefore, we from the Accounting Student Association (HIMAKSI) of Bangka Belitung University intend to organize an activity called NAF (National Accounting Fair) as a forum for the younger generation to optimize resources and science and technology to realize the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the form of a written paper. science (LKTI). The NAF agenda itself is the first for the Accounting Student Association (HIMAKSI), where this year the first National LKTI was held with the theme "The role of science and technology-based millennials in facing SDG's 2030". This agenda aims to make a forum for Indonesian students to be able to convey innovative and creative ideas or ideas that are outlined in a work and are beneficial to the nation and state in order to optimize resources and science and technology in order to realize Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.
The theme of this National Writing Contest is “The Role of Science and Technology-based Millennials in Facing SDG'S 2030” with 6 (Six) Sub Themes:
- Education
- Technology
- Economy
- Socio-cultural
- Political
- Agrotechnology
This competition was participated by undergraduate and diploma students from universities/private sectors throughout Indonesia. Considering the main objective of LKTI NAF is to accommodate student ideas in optimizing resources and science and technology in order to realize Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) 2030. There are 90 registrants for this activity by submitting papers according to the sub-themes. Then 15 Finalists were selected to win the championship, namely 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Best Paper, and Best Presentation.
One of the top 15 finalists was a student from the Semarang State Polytechnic with the team name "GAYENG BAKOH TIM" chaired by Rhian Yoga Febriyano (Spil Engineering 2018), member 1 Aris Ariyanto (Spil Engineering 2018), and member 2 Siti Khomsatun (Accounting 2018) .
POLINES students took part in enlivening the NAF LKTIN Competition which was held from 20 August – 10 October 2020, namely the registration and submission stages, followed by the presentation selection stage on 27 October 2020 which was attended by 15 finalists who passed the selection full paper papers.
On October 29, 2020, namely the announcement of the winner as well as the closing of the competition which was held through room ZOOM (Online).
After the welcome session and entertainment show session were over, it was time to announce the NAF LKTI competition
GAYENG BAKOH TEAM representatives from the State Polytechnic of Semarang won 3 championships at once by getting 1st Place, Best Paper Champion, and Best Presentation Champion.
It is a matter of pride for GAYENG BAKOH TIM for being able to bring the POLINES flag to the victory podium at the National level.
"Innovation comes when we want to think and try"" One of Quote which is always held by GAYENG BAKOH TIM in the hope that it can motivate team members and fellow POLINES students to continue to hone knowledge by exploring creative ideas to create a work for the Semarang State Polytechnic.