Routine Student Islamic Studies Work Program (Kasmaran)

One of the non-programmed activities of Islamic Studies Student Association of Accounting Department (HiMA) Semarang State Polytechnic, namely Routine Student Islamic Studies (Kasmaran) has been carried out. This activity is one of the activities regularly held annually by HiMA, this time HiMA carries the theme "Building the Love of the Prophet to Reach His Intercession", the theme aims to increase the sense of love for the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW.

In addition, this activity also coincided with the commemoration of the Prophet's birthday. This activity was attended by the general public as well as HiMA 2020/2021 functionaries. Because the pandemic period has not ended, this activity is carried out online through the platform Live Ig HiMA (@himapolines). This Kasmaran activity was carried out for two hours, namely on October 24, 2020 at 19.15 – 21.15 WIB. This activity was filled with material about Cultivating Love for the Prophet by the speaker, namely Habib Muhammad Al Mutohhar. In addition, there is also the reading of recitations by one of the HiMA Functionaries and the reading of the maulid by Response. The event went smoothly and the participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the activities from the beginning to the end of the event. After this event, it is hoped that participants will be able to increase their love for the Prophet and practice his teachings in the world.

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