BEM KBM POLINES Jayakarya Cabinet has held a Personnel and Cadreization Training (DPK) event to Staff PSDM ORMAWA BEM KBM POLINES. This event is held in on line on Saturday, October 24, 2020 at 19.00-17.00 WIB. Due to the limitations of the pandemic covid-19 this event, this event is carried out through platform Zoom-Meeting.
The purpose of this event is to increase the knowledge of PSDM of the Semarang State Polytechnic Students' extended family about the role of personnel and regeneration. In addition, it also aims to improve the ability of PSDM KBM Semarang State Polytechnic in creating quality cadres in accordance with the development needs of each organization.
The event was attended by nearly 62 Staff PSDM and the general chairman of each ORMAWA KBM Semarang State Polytechnic, by presenting 2 speakers. The first speaker was Fitjri Audria Rachmawati, Minister of PSDM BEM KBM Polines 2018/2019 as a speaker on "Caderization" material. The second speaker was Nadila Wismaya Rahmawati, Minister of Human Resources, BEM KBM Polines 2017/2018 as the speaker for the material "Personnel".