Polines Informatics students continue to excel during the pandemic

Faqih Dzaki Darojat and Rufaidah Rizky Amalia, D3 Students of Informatics Engineering Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) in Collaboration with Management & Science University (MSU) Malaysia won 3rd place in 2 different categories at the International competition entitled International Multimedia Engineering Technology Competition 2020 (I-MEET 2020). Faqih became the winner in the category videos competition and Rufaidah came out as the winner in the category vlog competition.

This achievement started with a Multimedia System course assignment which was taught by Mr. Liliek Triyono, ST, M. Kom. The theme of the video project sent to the competition committee is a themed video Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) in the event. The making of the video in the competition basically provides information about the COVID-19 which has become an epidemic throughout the world, so that the world community, especially the Indonesian people during the COVID-19 pandemic, will know what good lessons have not been realized during this pandemic.

This competition begins with registration through the website of the organizing campus, namely Telkom University. After registering, participants are required to submit their work via Google Form provided by the committee. This competition is held by Telkom University's Multimedia Engineering S1 study program. There are several categories in this competition, such as: Mini games for desktop, Animation, mini games for mobile, Photography, AR/VR Apps, posters about COVID-19, blogs, gameplay design, essay, interactive games story telling, videos competitions and vlogs competition.

The announcement was made on Friday (03/07) via a video conferencing application, Zoom. Invitations are given to all participants via online mail and data on winners in this competition can be accessed on IG: @imeet_competition. From this competition, it is hoped that we can increase our knowledge about multimedia and can create a work that can be used as a means of educating the public about the pandemic COVID-19.

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