Polines Lecturer Held PPPUD Coffee in Temanggung

The Regional Superior Product Development Program (PPPUD) for Coffee in Temanggung is an activity scheme organized by the Ministry of Research Technology/National Innovation Research Agency of the Republic of Indonesia. This program is the result of a national competition that aims to increase the knowledge and skills of community group partners/MSMEs who play a role in spurring the growth of regional superior products/services for the domestic market and global market; as well as to improve the quality and quantity of products/services so that they are highly competitive by remaining based on the uniqueness/characteristics of the region.

This program is chaired by Dr. Ir Suharto MPd. with members Ir Moch. Muqorrobin, MT; Dr. Drs. Sugeng Irianto, M.Pd., and Sam'ani, SE, MM. Partners of PPPUD Margo Rahayu Farmer's Group and UKM Kopi Posong Temanggung. Student groups are involved in this activity to improve science and technology in the field of quality coffee processing in the form of completing their final project/thesis.

The implementation of PPPUD in Temanggung is planned for 3 (three) years starting from 2020 to 2022 with the results of activities being evaluated every year. The Head of P3M Semarang State Polytechnic, Dr. Ir Tedjo Mulyono MT stated that this PPPUD activity is a community service scheme in the context of the Application of Science, Technology, and Business to Improve Community Welfare.


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