Polines Again Holds Presentation of Student Internship Results with Industry

The Applied Undergraduate Program in Production and Maintenance Mechanical Engineering (TMPP) of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) again made an activity to expose the results of student industrial internships. The event, entitled "Exposure of the 2020 Industrial Internship Lecture Results" with the theme "To solve and innovate the industrial challenges" was held in the Multipurpose Room (RSG) Polines Campus, Tembalang, Monday (10/2) attended by the Director, deputy directors, heads of , study programs, Polynes students, and industry partners.

Ir Agus Slamet MT, as the Head of the Applied Undergraduate Study Program at TMPP Polines said that for 3 months students underwent structured internships in industry. "There are 45 industrial internship participants in the seventh semester," he explained. Spread over 9 cities in 6 provinces of Indonesia. They are also monitored and handled by a team of lecturers to companies where they do internships”, he continued..

Industrial Internships are mandatory for students of the Bachelor of Applied Science Study Program in Production and Maintenance Mechanical Engineering. They are obliged to analyze problems in the industry and solve these problems and finally become the topic of their thesis. There are many tangible results in the form of designs and designs of industrial internship students that can be applied directly in the industry and used and appreciated by the industry. These internships are rigorous because they are structured, can solve problems and bring immediate benefits to the industry. According to Agus Slamet, there are 3 main assessments of internship students: 1. attitude, 2. academic aspect, 3. creativity aspect. The industry gives an average rating of above 4 (scale 1 to 5) for the three components.

Meanwhile the Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT appreciates the TMPP Applied Bachelor study program which can carry out industrial internships in a structured manner and can solve problems in the company. He hopes that other study programs and departments at Polynes can increase industrial internships such as in the Applied Bachelor of Engineering, Production and Maintenance of Polynes. "The design and design of the work of industrial internship students can be offered to industry and can become intellectual property rights or IPRs," he said. Also, continued Supriyadi, the work of interns can be confirmed as the topic of their thesis.

Meanwhile, from industrial partners, Daniel Jozua Runkat, HRD Manager of PT Techpack Asia in his speech said, Polynes graduates are not only implementers or employees. doer, but comes to thinker or thinker. "Internship students really help the company, for example, students who can design or make tools that can speed up production time are very good and important," he said. “I like to accept new employees from graduates who have had internships because they already know our company and know the problems experienced by the company so they can immediately jump into work. Doer is identical with operator level, Polines student to thinker level. So far the interns are good, …very useful for the company, as a positive change. “The era of automation….not reducing people…but automation that can run machines more optimally, etc.,” he explained. Interns from the Applied Bachelor of Production and Maintenance Mechanical Engineering have a very good attitude.

The internship companies include Stanley, Mitsuba, Techpack Asia, FormulaTrix, Pertamina, PT YPTI, Kubota, Indonesia Power, PAMA, Otodda, AWI, and others.