Polines D3 Finance and Banking Study Program Holds ASCOMFEST

Accounting Student Competition Festival (ASCOMFEST) is an activity organized by the D3-Finance & Banking Study Program Polines which includes seminars and competitions with the theme "The Essence of Taxes in Synergy of Financial Institutions to Face Digital-Based Creative Industries". 

There are two branches of competition in this activity, namely the Presentation & Debate Competition and the Frontliner Competition which is more specifically related to soft skills as Customer Service. ASCOMFEST was held with the aim of developing the skills of banking students in terms of public speaking and skills in the banking sector. This activity was carried out recently at the Accounting Building and Auditorium of the Semarang State Polytechnic.

The ASCOMFEST competition began with the opening of the event and a Technical Meeting to re-explain the mechanics of the competition. The Presentation and Debate competitions were attended by 10 groups of 3 people each, where 1 out of 10 contestants came from STIE Perbanas Surabaya. Meanwhile, the Frontliner competition was attended by 11 participants, 2 of whom were also STIE Perbanas Surabaya students. The activities on the second day were continued with a seminar which started at 07.00 until 12.30 at the Semarang State Polytechnic Auditorium.

The winner of the competition is announced at the end of the activity on the same day. The presentation & debate competition was won by student representatives from STIE Perbanas Surabaya, second place was won by representatives of class KP 2C Semarang State Polytechnic and third place was won by representatives from class KP 3B Semarang State Polytechnic. Meanwhile, for the frontliner competition, the first winner was won by Melia Iik Lufianda, the second winner was won by Liska Afriyani, and the third winner was won by Dewi Fardilasani.

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