To provide training refreshment for employees of Rural Banks (BPR), especially those assigned to positions back office, the Association of Indonesian Rural Banks (Perbarindo) The Executive Board of the Solo Raya Commissariat (DPKom Solo Raya) held a Dynamic Archives Management Training.
The training was held for 2 (two) which took place in the Gamma Room, River Hill, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar, recently. The participants were 54 participants from BPR Solo Raya (Solo, Sukoharjo, Klaten, Boyolali, Sragen, Karanganyar and Wonogiri) plus BPR from Kudus.
The event was opened by Andi Rahman Yuliaman (Head of Bank Supervision I), also attended by Aziz Saleh (Chairman of Perbarindo DP Solo Raya Commissariat), Gembong Agung Setyono (Secretary of Perbarindo DP Solo Raya Commissariat) along with the management of Perbarindo DP Solo Raya Commissariat.
In his remarks, Andi Rahman Yuliaman (Head of Bank Supervision I) advised the training participants to really pay attention to how to manage archives presented by resource persons from Polines. "'Because some cases that occur are also related to how to save documents, for example collateral documents," he said.
In this training, present resource persons from Semarang State Polytechnic lecturers (Polines). Namely Jati Handayani, SE, MSi (lecturer of Accounting Department), Drs. Fatchun Hasyim, MSi and Dra. Taviyastuti, MM (both are Lecturers in the Department of Business Administration).
The material provided on the first day includes Banking Documents, Filing and Labeling of Archives and Searching Back Archives. While the material on the second day includes Electronic Archiving, Archiving Preparation and Archive Services. The material for Banking Documents was delivered by Jati Handayani, SE, MSi, the next material was delivered by Drs. Fatchun Hasyim, MSi. Before starting the training material, Ice Breaking is always delivered. Ice breaking was delivered by Dra. Taviyastuti, MM with the aim of breaking the atmosphere and motivating the participants so that during the training participants can better receive the material.
This Dynamic Archive Management Training activity was initiated by Gembong Agung Setyono (Secretary of Perbarindo DP Komisariat Solo Raya) who is a member of Polines.
At the end of the training, participants were asked to give their impressions along with suggestions/feedback, and also to take the Post Test. The Post Test was intended to determine the participants' understanding of the material presented. The result was that the highest score of 9.3 was achieved by Finishiana from BPR Klaten Sejahtea. The complete result is that there are 9 participants, a score of 8 has 9 participants, a score of 7 has 13 participants, a score of 6 has 15 participants, less than 6 there are 9 participants. Thirty-two (32) participants or 59.3% got a score greater than 7, while the participants who scored below 6 were 40.7