The Department of Civil Engineering at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) received good news. The Meranti Sipondra team with personnel Rizal Darmawan (Civil Construction 3A), Rhiyo Yudha Febriyano (Civil Construction 3A) Rhian Yoga Febriyano (2C Building Construction) won 2 titles at the 2019 ITS Civil Expo event which took place on the Institut Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) campus, Surabaya, 1 – 5 October 2019.
The Meranti Sipondra Polines team with twins Rhiyo Yudha Febriyano (Civil Construction 3A) and Rhian Yoga Febriyano (2C Building Construction) won 2 titles. Namely the 3rd Place and Winner of the 2019 Strongest Bridge Award (Strongest) Dynamic Load Bridge Competition 2019.
Yudha Febriyano (Civil Construction 3A), a member of the Meranti Sipondra Polines Team, said he was satisfied with the championship results he received. "We are grateful to be able to present achievements for the Polines alma mater," he said proudly.
He explained that the initial stage of this selection was to collect proposals from the bridge design to be made. Then 10 finalists were selected from all Universities and Polytechnics throughout Indonesia who registered. So that 10 finalists were selected, namely: Ten Institute of Technology, Yogyakarta State University, Malang State University, Jakarta State Polytechnic, Ten Institute of Technology, Yogyakarta State University, Semarang State Polytechnic, University of Indonesia, Diponegoro University and Lambung Mangkurat University.
The next process, explained Yudha, of the 10 finalists came to ITS to carry out a series of activities, including: Technical Meeting, Bridge Prototype Assembly, Presentation and the final stage of this selection process was bridge testing. At the competition (final) stage, a team will be determined which will be the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners, and the Category Winners: Strongest, Most Innovative, Fastest, and Implemented.