Grand Opening and Debate for Beginner UKM Polytechnic English Conversation Club (PECC)

On Saturday and Sunday, September 21-22, 2019 at 08.00 WIB, the Grand Opening (21/09) and Debate for Beginners (22/09) were held in the Multipurpose Room of the Semarang State Polytechnic. The event, organized by the UKM Polytechnic English Conversation Club, aims to introduce further about the ins and outs of the formation of UKM PECC, the activities carried out such as daily classes, Intercomp (Internal Competition), etc. and the introduction of debate to Polines students. The event was attended by 200 participants.

With the theme The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins Now, the first speech at the Grand Opening event was delivered by the Chief Executive of the Grand Opening event (21/09), namely Pradita Eka

Nanda, the second was by the PECC UKM Leader, M. Bima Desyam Aji, followed by the PECC UKM coach, Muslikh and the last remark was the Deputy Director (Wadir) III for Polines Student Affairs, Adhy Purnomo. The activity on the first day also invited Nurul Devi Ariyani as the speaker and the demisioner of the PECC UKM to motivate and share experiences with the participants where she has many achievements, such as being a finalist for the 2018 National Achievement Student, Ambassador of National Inspiration and many other competitions that have been achieved. he won in the regional to international arena. He explained tips for learning English by learning from the environment, such as watching movies and others, learning to be confident using conversations in English. Nurul Devi Ariyani also shared her motivation for achievement to always be pursued because being an outstanding student has many benefits, gains a lot of experience too, let alone being able to go abroad.

After conducting a session with speakers who were certainly very motivating, the next event was the introduction of the daily class department which consisted of the Public Speaking Department which displayed a live video report of a news in English and of course demonstrated by members of this department themselves, followed by the Grammar Department who explained the activities TOEFL Workshop and Test as well as practice questions and answers grammar with the audience, followed by introductions from the Conversation Department which featured conversational practice in English during a job interview with the HRD of a company, and finally from the Movie and Story Telling Department featuring a drama entitled Klenting Kuning.

Then on the next day, there was a Debate For Beginner (22/09) where the purpose of this event was to introduce participants to the benefits and rules of debate. On the second day, he also invited PECC speaker and demisioner, Alif Gusti Kurniawan, who had won several competitions, one of which was the 1st Runner-up NPEO 2018. Before the participants practiced debating, a Debate Exhibition was first displayed to give an example to the audience how good and good debate can be. correct. After that the audience was divided into several groups to practice the debate, it is hoped that the participants will be able to catch and practice properly and correctly with what has been exemplified. From the debates practiced by the participants, there were best speakers in each group and they received attractive prizes.

At the end of the event, don't forget the MCs, namely Ikhsan and Veronica, invited participants to take part in the next PECC UKM activity which is general in nature, free of charge or free for all Semarang State Polytechnic students, namely the Daily Class. GO and DFB activities ended at 13.30 WIB.

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