Polines Wins First Place in the Widyapadhi Science and Technology Award at Kemenristekdikti Polytechnic

Director of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) Supriyadi, received the 2019 Science and Technology award at the 24th National Technology Awakening Day (Harteknas) in Bali, Wednesday (28/8). The award, called the Widyapadhi Award, was received directly by the Director of Polines from the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Mohamad Nasir.

The Director of Polines, Supriyadi, stated that this achievement could not be separated from the participation of the entire academic community and education staff of Polines, especially in the development of research and community service. "This achievement is expected to be a motivation, encouragement for continuous improvement to produce innovative products that are beneficial to society, industry, and the development of Indonesia." he added.

Getting 1st place in the Science and Technology Award and the 2019 Widyapadhi Polytechnic Innovation in the Innovation Management sub-category, is a proud achievement for Polines. It is an award that appreciates achievements in building an innovation system through strengthening policies, institutions, resources, and innovation networks to produce innovative products.

The purpose of holding the 2019 Widyapadhi Award, among others, is to encourage higher education science and technology capabilities followed by strengthening national innovation to support the independence and competitiveness of the Indonesian nation. Another objective is to build a conducive climate for strengthening and developing innovation as an outreach of science and technology research in the creation and development of commercial and economic added value and impacts on people's welfare. In addition, it also provides encouragement to innovation actors (individuals, organizations, institutions) so that they can be motivated in realizing creative ideas in creating added value, both as individuals and through partnerships and collaborations between elements of innovation.

The complete results of the 2019 Widyapadhi Polytechnic Science & Technology Award for innovation management sub-category, ranked 1st at Semarang State Polytechnic, 2nd place at TEDC Polytechnic, and 3rd place at Caltex Polytechnic.

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