Lanterns Made from Photocopy Paper Waste, Polynes Students Develop Cutteristic Art

TRIBUNJATENG.COM, SEMARANG – State Polytechnic Entrepreneurship PKM Semarang (Polines) develop its creative products, namely lantern. No lantern normal, because it is made using paper waste. Chaired by Rifka Rani from the Financial Analyst Study Program, and consists of Edikha Setyaningtyas from the Financial Analyst Study Program, Anik Kusuma Wardani from the Financial Analyst Study Program, and Reza Bagas Pambudi Raharjo from the Mechanical Engineering Study Program. Polynes, success reducing paper waste become items of high artistic value.

Rifka, said that his creations were inspired by many paper waste at the photocopying booths around campus.”We keep looking paper waste sold to collectors. They also throw the waste everywhere," he said, Sunday (6/30/2019).

Even according to Rifka, he often encounters her paper waste is burned, creating smoke that is not good for health. "They assume paper waste not worth the price," he explained. This made Rifka and his friends start collecting paper waste unused. Through the guidance of their supervisor, Nurul Hamida, they also create product innovations lantern the. They combine it with the art of cutting paper or what is often known as cutting paper or cutteristic.

They are also members of the PKMK called Pioneristic. "Waste paper that can be used is cardboard and photocopy paper or the like," he explained. lantern made by displaying the original culture of Indonesia. For example, Nusantara motifs such as batik, Javanese wayang characters.

Rifka elaborates, lantern made by printing the pattern first on the paper waste, then cut using a cutter. After that, each cut sheet is arranged and put into the frame box to ensure the quality of the pieces lantern. "To further beautify the lighting, colorful LED strips are given," he said. He claims lantern that carries the concept in the regions Semarang still not found. So the opportunity to enter the market for this pioneeristic product is great.

This product, which was made in June 2019, is sold at an affordable price, around Rp. 30 thousand. "Guaranteed quality and unique aesthetic concepts make lantern This cutteristic art deserves to be a gift recommendation,” he said.

Their supervisor, Nurul Hamilda said, lantern This not only contributes to reducing waste, but also contributes to increasing the existence of culture and tourism in Indonesia.

He assesses the element of preserving the culture by the current generation is starting to fade.

"This PKM team has succeeded in getting funds from Kemenristekdikti RI," he explained. (Akbar Mukti Day)

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