Concerned about the large number of infaq box thefts in mosques, Semarang State Polytechnic students (Polines) created the Anti-Theft Mosque Infaq Box. This innovative product is named the anti-theft mosque infaq box, which is abbreviated as Koin Mas Aling.
Done by the Student Creativity Program Team (PKM) – Karsa Cipta consisting of Esa Firmansyah (D3-Electronic Engineering), Dewi Aji Pertiwi (D3-Electronic Engineering), Fitri Restianti (D3-Business Administration) with supervisor Ilham Sayekti. ST, M. Kom.
"The mosque infaq box that was created is different from those that already exist in general," explained Esa Firmansyah. This mosque infaq box has an automatic security feature. The automatic feature is the infaq box which has a lock in the form of a fingerprint sensor so that the infaq box can be opened only with the registered takmir's fingerprint. If the infaq box is forcibly opened, the alarm will sound and send a notification in the form of an SMS to the takmir that the infaq box has been forcibly opened
In addition, other features include having a button and a menu viewer of security features, having a position tracker using GPS (Global Positioning System) to find out the location of the infaq box if it is stolen, have a full detection of the infaq box, i.e. if the infaq box is full, the system will send an SMS to the takmir that the infaq box is full and has a detection if it is lifted more than 20 cm from its original place, the alarm will sound as an indication of theft and send SMS to takmir that the infaq box has been lifted illegally. So it can be concluded that the MAS ALING COINS (Anti-Theft Mosque Infaq Box) can be monitored from a distance. Such monitoring can use notifications via mobile phones, namely by sending short messages. Considering that mobile phones are objects that can be carried at any time, making it easier to monitor the infaq box when the tamkir is far from the mosque.
"Hopefully Mas Aling Coin can be mass produced," said Esa. Of course, with adjustments according to market tastes so that it can be marketed to mosques, making it easier for takmirs to maintain and monitor infaq boxes while away from the mosque.