Polines Collaborates with MSU Malaysia to Open International Cooperation Class

Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) in collaboration with Management & Science University (MSU) Malaysia opened an international collaboration class. The study programs opened are Informatics Engineering and Marketing Management.

Deputy Director for Planning and Cooperation, Drs Budi Prasetya, MSi said, in his office, Friday (24/5) said this program will produce high school and vocational high school graduates to reach the Strata Two (S2) level in only 5 (five) years with international English skills.

"In the digital era and today's very tight competition, many companies need reliable IT and Marketing personnel," he said.

He explained, through this program, high school and vocational high school graduates can obtain a Master's degree (S2) within 5 (five) years. With the following details: 3 years of education at Diploma 3 (D3) at Polines to obtain an Associate Expert (A.Md.) degree, then continuing education at Bachelor (S1) level at MSU Malaysia for 1 (one) year, followed by secondary education Master (S2) at MSU Malaysia for 1 (one) year.

The study program opened in the international collaboration class between Polines and MSU is at the Diploma Three (D III) level. Informatics Engineering Study Program and Marketing Management Study Program. After graduating from the Diploma Three (D III) for the Informatics Engineering Study Program, you can continue the Bachelor (S1) level at MSU Malaysia in Study Program Computer Science. Graduates of the Diploma Three (D III) Marketing Management Study Program can continue to the Bachelor (S1) level at MSU Malaysia can choose Study Program Retail Management or Bachelor in Entrepreneurship Study Program. After graduating from the Bachelor (S1) at MSU Malaysia in Study Program Computer Science can continue to the Master's level (S2) at MSU Malaysia, you can choose the Master In Information Technology Study Program or the Master In Computer Science Study Program.

While graduates of the Bachelor (S1) at MSU Malaysia Retail Management Study Program or Bachelor in Entrepreneurship Study Program can continue on Retail Management Study Program or Bachelor in Entrepreneurship Study Program according to the Bachelor's degree study program.

For high school / vocational high school graduates who are interested, register online on line open until 27 May – 21 June 2019, through the page: Click here

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