Social Action entitled Racana Pandawa On The Road (ROTR)

My satyaku dharmakan, my dharma i devote. That's the greeting that the brothers of Racana Pandawa at the Semarang State Polytechnic said to their younger siblings at the Al-Rifdah Double Disability Orphanage, which is located on Jl. Tlogomulyo No.40, Pedurungan Tengah, Pedurungan, Semarang City, Central Java in the Racana Pandawa On The Road (ROTR) activity.

On Sunday, (31/3), Racana Pandawa's brothers visited and played with the younger siblings of the Al-Rifdah Orphanage with Double Disabilities.

The activity began with an opening ceremony held at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) campus, followed by a trip to the Al-Rifdah double disability orphanage. This orphanage accommodates children with special needs, psychologically and mentally. When we got there we were greeted with a warm welcome from the brothers who ran towards us, of course in their own way. There, the children of the Al-Rifdah orphanage and the caretakers of the orphanage carried out activities with the Racana Pandawa brothers, their happy faces were clearly visible when the elders of the council taught and invited the entire audience to applaud the scouts, applaud and color together using the media. banana fronds and food coloring. This educational activity cannot be participated in by all the children at the orphanage with multiple disabilities due to the limitations of the younger siblings at the Al-Rifdah orphanage.

For the younger siblings who can't go outside, Racana Pandawa's brothers visited their respective rooms one by one, we interacted directly with the children of the Al-Rifdah orphanage with multiple disabilities even though not all of them could speak. The Al-Rifdah orphanage is inhabited by 35 people with an age range of 1.2 to 48 years and 12 caregivers. During this visit, the Al-Rifdah orphanage did not allow all residents to visit the orphanage, because they were afraid that some people could potentially injure others, so they were quarantined in a separate room due to having tremors or hyperactivity, explained Mrs. Nene as the caretaker. House. The occupants of this orphanage are those who have been retarded since birth and all of them have multiple disabilities (have more than one disability). All the residents of this orphanage do not have parents, because their existence is not wanted by their families and some of the residents of this orphanage are also sent from the social service and Satpol PP from various regions, Solo, Banyumas, and Semarang.

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