The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) through the Directorate of Quality Assurance of the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Dirjen Belmawa) this year again held the "PT Unggul Fostering Program". This program continues the program that was initiated in 2017. The PT Unggul Foster Program is held to facilitate superior universities (A accredited PT) to nurture (guide) foster universities (C accredited PT) whose quality still needs to be improved.
Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) was re-elected in the PT Unggul Fostering Program. This year is the third time that the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education has trusted this foster program along with 20 other superior universities. This is as stated in the decision of the Director General of Belmawa number 74/B/HK/2019 dated March 13, 2019 regarding universities that receive foster care programs towards superior study programs.
Director of Polines, Ir. Supriyadi, MT., in his office, Monday (18/3) said that this year is the third year that Polines has been entrusted with the PT Unggul Fostering program. "Hopefully we can carry out this trust from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education for the advancement of higher education in Indonesia," he said. Through this program, Polines can provide assistance to universities that are still developing so that they can be encouraged to be superior,” he concluded.