Herry Ludiro Wahyono, ST, MT, Polines Civil Engineering Lecturer Receives Doctor of Civil Engineering from Undip

Herry Ludiro Wahyono, ST, MT, a lecturer at the Civil Engineering Department at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) was declared graduated and entitled to a Doctorate degree with the title Very Satisfactory with a GPA of 3.50 after the promotion exam (open) for the Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering (PDTS), Faculty of Engineering , Diponegoro University (Undip), Tuesday (12/3) in the main courtroom, Postgraduate School Building, Undip, Semarang.

The open examination was led by Ir. M. Agung Wibowo, MM, M.Sc, PhD (Dean of the Undip Faculty of Engineering as well as an examiner). As the Promoter Prof. Dr. Ir. Rizal Z Tamin, MSc, Jati Utomo DH, ST, MM, MSc, PhD (Co-promoter). While the examiner, Prof. Dr. Ir. Suripin, M.Eng, Prof. Dr. FX. Joko Priyono, SH, M. Hum, Ferry Hermawan, ST, MT, PhD. Promovendus delivered a dissertation with the title "Quality Investigation Framework for Public Building Construction Work in the Audit Process by Auditors and Investigators".

In his dissertation, Herry Ludiro Wahyono, ST, MT, said that this dissertation discusses audit by external stakeholders on government building construction projects after the FHO stage. So far, he said, auditors or investigators have audited the results of construction implementation. "What happens is that service users and service providers are worried," he explained. Because the competence of the audit executive is different from the competence of the construction contractor, the results of the audit report tend to be on the accounting and legal side, not on the technical side of construction.

Discrepancies in the results of building construction and the low quality of construction have become interesting topics since the beginning of the reform order. This is due to construction quality control that has not been running properly. This is indicated by the increasing number of legal cases involving service users and service providers. The KPK's annual report in the 2004-2007 period shows an increase in construction failure cases on average 184% per year from 202 cases, BPK in the same period reported 232 cases, there was an increase of 104% per year. Therefore, the government through the ministry of PUPR seeks to strengthen the technical function of quality control by developing quality test equipment and competent construction human resources.

This study intends to formulate an understanding between service users and service providers with auditors and investigators on the quality discrepancy of public building construction work, with the aim of identifying and analyzing the discrepancy factors and formulating the meaning of discrepancy by developing a framework for investigating the quality of public building construction work that is acceptable to users. , service providers, auditors and investigators.

Research data were collected by means of field observations and structured interviews with project stakeholders. The data were analyzed using case study analysis. The result of this research is the quality discrepancy factors are cost, time and quality. Quality includes administrative requirements, technical requirements and volume. Discrepancy is a discrepancy between the results of the construction implementation and the contract on the results of quality investigation audits by auditors and investigators with tests and technical calculations by building construction experts.

Quality investigation framework by looking at discrepancies in two quality audit perspectives, namely audits according to work contracts if there is a difference in the results of the implementation with the contract, it must be resolved with a resolution (resolution) with a fine equal to the discrepancy that occurred. The results of the technical audit according to the consideration of building construction experts and the settlement through the Corruption Court. Indications of discrepancy in the second perspective there are only two decisions, completed or the process of completion (dispute). "And if the matter is brought to court, it is included in the civil realm," he concluded.

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