Cooperative Moment, Kopma Polines Devotion in Entrepreneurship

Cooperative Moment (COMMENT) is one of the work programs of the Student Activity Unit (UKM) Student Cooperative (Kopma) Bahtera Manunggal Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) in the form of community service in the target villages to share knowledge with the community regarding the creation of new businesses which are expected to improve the economic situation of the village community.

The COMMENT with the theme "Improving the Quality of Human Resources Towards Economic Independence Through Creative Efforts" was held on Sunday, February 24, 2019 at Secang Hamlet, Penawangan Village, Pringapus, Semarang Regency to be exact at the house of the Hamlet Head, Budi Utomo.

COMMENT this time was attended by Deputy Director III of Polines Student Affairs, Adhy Purnomo, ST., MT. "Kopma held counseling on making new products in this village hoping to improve the economy and the welfare of local residents," he said in his remarks. The event was opened by the Head of Penawangan Village, Muslih and continued with counseling which was filled by Nikmatuniayah SE., M.Sc., Ak as a Polines Accounting Lecturer. He conveyed about how to become an entrepreneur by applying the entrepreneurial character and how to market attractive products. “To start a business, determine the type of business you choose based on your passion or talent. We must also be good at using technology as a marketing strategy, especially promoting products through Facebook and Instagram. Attractive packaging is also needed to beautify the appearance and add selling value.” Said Nikmatuniayah as the speaker.

Counseling continued with workshop and production in the form of an introduction to the snack product that will be made. The type of food that is processed is cassava because this type of tuber is the agricultural product of the village community and there is no optimal management yet. “Cassava is one of the largest agricultural products after corn and bananas. When harvested, most of the cassava is only sold raw or as feed for livestock”. said Muslih as the village head of Pringapus. Workshop filled by the committee by dividing residents into several groups and teaching how to process cassava into a snack. This product is named "Cassava Chips Orange Leaf". These chips are a new innovation in making lime leaf flavored chips. “The reason for making cassava chips with lime leaf flavor is because it is to develop existing businesses such as cassava chips that are seasoned with powder. Hopefully with activities cooperative moment This way, local residents can absorb the knowledge provided and continue the new products that have been made,” said Tryas Arifa as the chief executive.




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