Studying the Potential of Wind as an Energy Source, Polines – Semarang City Bappeda Establish Cooperation

As a step in the framework of developing a wind power plant pilot project in Semarang City, the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) and the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Semarang City have agreed to cooperate between the two institutions.

This was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding by Ir. Supriyadi, MT (Director of Polines) with Dr. Bunyamin, M.Pd (Head of Bappeda Semarang City) which took place in the Director's Meeting Room, Polines Campus, Tembalang, Semarang, Friday (8/2). The event was attended by the leaders of the Polines and Bappeda of Semarang City.

In his remarks, Ir Supriyadi, MT (Director of Polines) said thank you for the trust from Bappeda Semarang City in cooperating with Polines in assessing the potential for new and renewable energy in Semarang City. "We are ready to help the Semarang City Government in terms of studying new energy to meet the energy needs of the people of Semarang," he said. This collaboration is by utilizing each other's potential, expertise and facilities owned by each institution. Polines is ready with competent experts in the field of new and renewable energy.

While Dr. Bunyamin, M.Pd (Head of Bappeda Semarang City) on this occasion said the choice of Polines was partnered with this program because it has human resources in the form of various experts in the fields of civil engineering, machinery, energy conversion and electricity. These diverse competencies are needed because to realize this wind power plant installation requires resources from across fields of science. "This collaboration with Polines will be able to help the Semarang City Government to find alternative sources of new energy," he explained. Currently, the Semarang City Government also has a Waste Power Plant (PLTSa). And continue to study the potential that can be utilized as an energy source.

The scope of this collaboration is the preparation of a wind potential study and a design for the construction of a wind power plant installation in the city of Semarang. "In the future, said Bunyamin, the installation of this wind power plant is not only a source of energy generation but also a tourist destination in the city of Semarang.

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