Polines – Pekalongan City Government Agrees to Continue Cooperation

In order to continue to encourage innovation and creativity of human resources and the use of natural resources in Pekalongan City, the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) and the Pekalongan City Government agreed to continue the cooperation that had been going on so far.

This was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding between institutions, by Ir. Supriyadi, MT (Director of Polines) with HM Saelany Machfudz (Mayor of Pekalongan). The event which took place in the Director's Meeting Room, Polines Campus, Tembalang, Semarang, Friday (25/1) was attended by the Regional Secretary, Head of Bappeda, Pekalongan City Government Service Heads and Polines Leaders.

In his speech, Ir. Supriyadi, MT (Director of Polines) said that this activity was intended to encourage the activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which includes education, research and development and community service. "So the role of Polines is felt in the community," he said.

Meanwhile, HM Saelany Machfudz (Mayor of Pekalongan) appreciated the role of Polines so far in the Pekalongan City area. "The empowerment that has been carried out by Polines so far will help the Pekalongan City Government in encouraging innovation and creativity of the people of Pekalongan City," he explained. Pekalongan as a City of Batik, of course, a creative industry will certainly grow in the community.  

He hopes that this memorandum of understanding can have a positive impact on MSME actors and other communities. So that the development of human resources and community empowerment can be achieved through the tridharma activities of higher education carried out by Polines.

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