Visit of Pringsurat Vocational High School, Temanggung to Polines Campus

A total of 62 students and 4 accompanying teachers of the Pringsurat State Vocational High School (SMK), Temanggung visited the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) campus. The arrival of the Pringsurat State Vocational School group was welcomed directly by the Deputy Director for Planning and Cooperation, Drs. Budi Prasetya, M.Si at the Director's Meeting Room, Polines Campus, Tembalang, Semarang, Monday (4/2).

Also welcoming this visit, Noor Kuntono, SH (Head of Subsection. Cooperation) and Ir. Wahjoedi, MT (Head of Industrial Relations Unit) Polines.

Deputy Director for Planning and Cooperation, Drs. Budi Prasetya, M.Si welcomed this visit. "Hopefully this visit can be useful for students in getting to know Polines more closely," he explained. Polines as a university is committed to producing experts, skilled and professional. Through the motto on Time, Right Rules and Right Size, Polines graduates are expected to be ready for a career in the industry according to their competence.

Meanwhile, the Principal of Pringsurat Vocational School, Imam Syafi i, S.TP expressed his gratitude for the visit to the Polines campus. "This visit aims to add insight for students about the learning process at Polines," he said. He said that the students who visited Polines came from Class X, with Skill Competence Property Construction Business and Skill Competence Building Infrastructure Modeling Design.

During the visit to Polines, the group of teachers and students of Pringsurat Vocational School had the opportunity to see up close the learning facilities and infrastructure in the laboratories and workshops of the Polines Civil Engineering Department.

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