UKM Racana Pandawa Holds Technical Meeting Ahead of COMPAS VII

Located in the Seminar Room of UPT PP, 2nd Floor (Applied Master Building) Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines), Minngu (3/2) a Technical Meeting of COMPAS VII (Competition of Pandawa Scout VII) participants in Central Java took place with the theme EKACAKRA (Existence). Smart and Creative Scouting) by UKM Racana Pandawa. This Technical Meeting activity opens at 07.30 WIB and ends at 12.30 WIB. Activities in the Technical Meeting of COMPAS VII Participants are registration and collection of COMPAS VII registration files starting at 07.00 WIB.

In this activity, the work support does not only explain technical guidelines and directions regarding COMPAS VII activities. On this occasion the work support also conveyed the profile of the Semarang State Polytechnic and the registration mechanism and flow of the Semarang State Polytechnic. Considering that the participants of the Technical Meeting are members of the enforcement scouts and scout coaches who are currently actors at the SMA/SMK/MA level. This is done by implementing the objectives of the COMPAS VII activity, one of which is to introduce Polines to the community.

In this Technical Meeting the participants were not alone in carrying out the activities, but this time the work team was accompanied by the Semarang City Branch Work Council (Kak Kiki Mey) and the Central Java Regional Work Council (Kak Zacki). This is because the work support has conducted hearings and received recommendations for activities from the Central Java Regional Quarter, where the process sequentially starts from the Temabalang Branch Quarter, Semarang City Branch Quarter, then only after that to the Central Java Regional Quarter. This recommendation serves that the COMPAS VII activity is a legal activity and has been supported by the Central Java Regional Quarter.

The COMPAS VII activity is a biennial routine activity which this year has entered the seventh COMPAS. This activity will be held on 23 and 24 February 2019 at Polines Campus, Tembalang. Those who can become COMPAS VII participants are contingents from bases in Central Java, with the provision that one contingent consists of a maximum of 2 teams, and each support consists of 10 members of enforcement scouts throughout Central Java. The Rotating Cup at COMPAS VI was won by the Central Java State Vocational School.

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