Longmarch, Retrieval, and Regeneration is an activity that is always held every year which aims to regenerate members of the Menwa Battalion 950 "Pati Geni" Semarang State Polytechnic, every member of the Menwa Polines must follow the tradition longmarch (long way) to get a new position. The series of activities carried out are: longmarch from Polines to Gedong Songo Temple Complex, Bandungan, Kab. Semarang. Apart from that, there was also a stripping of the Menwa candidates, and the regeneration of Yudha 41 staff.
Activity longmarch carried out for 3 (three) days, namely Saturday to Sunday, January 26 to 27, 2019 starting with checking members and equipment at 09.00 WIB after that carried out the tradition of kissing the banner in front of the Mako Menwa Polines at 13.00 WIB, followed by a departure ceremony for participants longmarch which amounted to 25 members of the Task Force and Camen. The departure ceremony was held in the field of the Polines Directorate, the Inspector of Ceremonies was Ahmad Supriyadi, ST, MT who was the mentor of the Menwa, in addition, Dr. Indriyanto, SH, M. Hum. as Commander of Menwa Mahadipa Central Java also gave remarks and advice for all members of the Student Regiment to better maintain the security and safety of each member in their activities.
Journey longmarch starting at 14.30 WIB on the trip, the Satgas and Camen personnel were divided into 4 groups and escorted by a Provoost in each group. One group consisted of 6 -7 people consisting of the Task Force and Camen, at 16.00 WIB the whole group rested to carry out the Asr prayer at the Banyumanik Muhajirin Mosque, and then continued the journey to the Gedong Songo Temple complex. The route taken is an inner route so that it does not interfere with road traffic and the journey is safer.
At 18.00 all groups arrived at Masjid An-nur … to perform the isoma, after carrying out the isoma the whole group continued their journey despite the drizzling conditions. At 11.45 all group members arrived at the resting place, namely at the Bandungan Village Hall.
Before continuing the trip on Sunday, all Menwa members carried out morning exercises and breakfast in front of the Bandungan Village Hall office. After breakfast and exercise, all members prepared to continue their journey, each group shouted to increase the enthusiasm and cohesiveness of each group. At 07.30 each group started walking towards Gedong Songo. Cohesiveness, helping each other is the most important thing in every struggle. The terrain to get to Gedong Songo is a difficult terrain because of the many inclines considering that Gedong Songo is located on the slopes of Mount Ungaran.
The main activity is carried out in the Gedong Songo 4 Temple area because the courtyard is very wide. After executing longmarch, the next activity was the redemption of the beret, then continued with the regeneration of the staff of Yudha 41. After all the activities were carried out to close the activities the Battalion Commander Niko Figit Setiawan read the decree to appoint new staff Yudha 41 to continue the baton of leadership to the elected Commander Arya Doni Firmansyah and 12 other staff, followed by the tradition of watering flowers and taking photos together. After all the activities were carried out, all members of the Menwa Polines returned to the Polines by truck, then returned to their respective homes.