Endang Sulistyani, Graduated as a Doctor with a Very Satisfactory Predicate

Endang Sulistyani, SE, MM., a lecturer in the Department of Business Administration at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) was declared a doctoral graduate with the title Very Satisfactory with a GPA of 3.74 after the promotion exam (open) for the Doctoral Study Program in Economics (PDIE), Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University (Undip), Wednesday (12/12) in the main courtroom, Postgraduate School Building, Undip, Semarang.

The open exam led by Prof. Drs Imam Ghozali, M. Kom, Akt, PhD. As the Promoter, Prof. Dr. Augusty Tae Ferdinand, MBA, Dr. Edy Rahardja, M.Si (Co-promoter). While the examiner, Dr. Fuad Mas'ud, MIR, Dr. Mahfud, MT, Dr. Martyrs Sufian, MSIE, Dr. S. Martono, MSi (External Examiner). Promovenda delivered a dissertation with the title “The Role of Developmental Interaction Capability in Strategic Efforts to Improve Team Performance (Empirical Study on the Hospitality Industry in Central Java and DIY'”.

In his dissertation, Endang Sulistyani, SE, MM said that in every interdependent work process, there is no single individual who can carry out all the activities needed in the performance improvement process. "Improving the quality of knowledge sharing helps team members to complete work effectively, pick up speed, understand the problems at hand, potential problems can arise early and can explore various ideas," he said. This is because the quality of knowledge sharing is related to the characteristics of the recipient (absorption capacity, language and technical knowledge), the characteristics of the giver (credibility, understanding of the material), the process of sharing (intensity, facility) and the characteristics of the content (important, relevant, accurate).

This study takes the object of the hotel industry. In achieving effective and efficient work operations, employees must work dynamically, quickly and skillfully. Employees are dependent on functional teams according to their divisions/departments and each team works in an integrated manner in being committed to achieving company goals. The functional team is the key to the operational reliability of the organization's work.

The problems raised in this study are first the gap in the results of empirical research between the quality of knowledge sharing and team performance. In this study the variable Development Interaction Capability has been able to answer the problems of this research by testing the hypothesis both in the analysis of direct and indirect relationships. The results of the study show that Development Interaction Capability is able to play a role in filling the gap between the quality of knowledge sharing and team performance so as to produce two alternative pathways that can be used to improve team performance.


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