At the end of 2018, the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) has again added to its collection of achievements. In the 2018 Student Award II event titled "Students of the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0", Polines was successfully crowned as the 2nd Winner of the Belmawa Achievement Category for Vocational Colleges in 2018. This prestigious event in the field of student affairs was organized by the Directorate of Student Affairs, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) , Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) which took place in Building D, 2nd Floor, Kemenristekdikti, Senayan, Jakarta recently.
This award was received directly by Adhy Purnomo, (Vice Director for Student Affairs Polines). He said he was grateful for this achievement. "This achievement motivates us to continue to excel in the field of student affairs in the future," he said. Various collections of achievements have been achieved by the Polines student field in 2018. Both regional, regional, national and international achievements. "This proves that in the midst of the tight schedule of lectures at Polines, students can still excel in the extra-curricular field," he explained.
Director General of Belmawa, Ismunandar when opening the event said the development of research, innovation, technology, and higher education is the key to facing various challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. Various efforts have been made from many parties to produce the best students, as the young generation who will win the changes in this era of disruption. “We live in the most innovative century in human history. The time between invention and innovation is very close," he said.
According to him, the rapid change was marked by many phenomena big data, clouds, internet of things, supercomputers, smart robots, unmanned cars, to genetic manipulation (DNA), and others. "We prepare skilled workers (skilled workers) educated up to the level of higher education, entrepreneurial spirit, global perspective and highly competitive," he added. The problem, according to Ismunandar, is that Indonesia still has challenges with many unemployed graduates after graduation (around 6.3% out of a total of 12.5 million undergraduate workforce in Indonesia, BPS 2018).
The awards presented in this event included the fields of Student Rating Management Information Systems (Simkatmawa), Recognition/Recognition, Colleges with Entrepreneurial Students, Student Service to the Community, Independent Achievements (Non Belmawa), and Belmawa Achievements.