Racana Pandawa Polines Conducts Inauguration of the New Gudep Number

Monday, November 12, 2018, at 20.15 WIB, the inauguration ceremony of the Front Cluster Number of the Semarang State Polytechnic base was held by the head of the Tembalang Branch Kwartir kak Istholik Makmun, S.Ag represented by kak Sukirman, S.Pd.SD. S.Pd.I as secretary of the Tembalang Branch Quarter and attended by members of the Young Member Development Affairs (Binamuda) of the Tembalang Branch.

This was done because the entire Gudep Number in Kwarran Tembalang was destroyed, so the Semarang State Polytechnic base felt the need to renew its Gudep number. Previously the Semarang State Polytechnic base had Gudep Numbers and and with re-registration, the Semarang State Polytechnic base had official Gudep Numbers, namely and 11 is the code for the Central Java Regional Quarter, 33 is the code for the Semarang City Branch Quarter, 05 is the code for the Tembalang Branch Quarter, and 155-156 is the code for the Men's and Women's Front Group of the Semarang State Polytechnic.

This event was held in the Semarang State Polytechnic Business Administration area with the agenda for the reading of the Decree, the Inauguration of the Chairperson of the Advisory Council and the Trustees of the Semarang State Polytechnic Front Group, namely Adhy Purnomo ST MT as deputy director for student affairs and kak Jati Hadayani as supervisor of UKM Racana Pandawa Polytechnic Semarang State, then the procession of the inauguration of the Front Group along with the handover of the administration of the new Front Group from the tembalang branch to the kamabigus and a friendly session which contained questions and answers and conveyed the work program in the tembalang branch quarter.

With the confirmation of the new Gudep Number for the Semarang State Polytechnic, there will be synchronization between the Tembalang Branch Quarter, Semarang City Branch Quarter and Central Java Regional Quarter so that all scouting activities at the Semarang State Polytechnic base can be continuously connected and their legality can be proven.

During the friendly session, the binamuda members advised that they should never hesitate to bring the kwarran parties in all activities at the Racana Pandawa UKM, don't think about what will be given to the kwarran because we are sincerely dedicated to building a virtuous nation. Scouts can live anywhere, scouts can adapt to conditions and situations, scouts don't need luxury, scouts are simple, the important thing is to get together, hang out together, that will create true happiness.

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