Indonesia Still Lacks Certified Expert Manpower

Indonesia still lacks certified construction experts. In fact, in the current era of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA), Indonesian construction workers will compete with skilled workers from abroad. Acceleration of increasing the number of certified skilled workers is absolutely necessary.

Deputy Chairman I of the Central Java Construction Services Development Institute (LPJK), Mulyono Hadipranoto explained, based on Law No. 2 of 2017 concerning Construction Services, all experts and skilled workers are required to have a competency certificate. Manpower that must be certified to the craftsmen. “Not only craftsmen and experts, users must also be certified. For example, supervisors and project leaders must also be certified," he explained after the opening of the Training and Certification of Young Experts through the Application of the "On Campus Training and Certification" Method in Central Java Province which took place at the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines) campus, Monday (22/10/ 2018).

Currently, explained Mulyono, in Indonesia there are around 8.5 construction workers in various development projects. But the certified workforce is still around 700 thousand people. So that efforts are needed to accelerate the competency certification of construction workers. "This month LPJK Central Java conducted free certification for 1,000 workers in Central Java," he added.

The chairman of the Provincial Board of the Association of National Construction Experts (BPP Ataknas) Central Java, Mudjiastuti Handajani also sees the number of certified experts in Indonesia is very lacking. However, the competition ahead is very tight. With the enactment of the MEA since 2016, expert workers from abroad may work in Indonesia. Vice versa, certified Indonesian workers can work on overseas projects. "This training is very important to encourage the number of certified experts," he explained.

The Head of the Construction Services and Construction Information Office of the Public Works, Highways and Human Settlements of Central Java Province, Wahyutoro Soetarto, explained that there was a 2-year transition period before the Construction Services Law was enacted, starting from the date it was passed. In the transition period until next year, it is hoped that the number of certified construction workers will increase. "Because when the Construction Services Law No. 2 of 2017 applies, construction workers must be certified," explained Wahyutoro after the event, which also collaborated with PT Jamkrida Central Java.

Head of Construction Section of BJKIK DPU Binmar Cipka Central Java, Syurya Deta Syafrie added, this training is an effort from the Central Java Provincial Government to accelerate the increase in the number of certified construction workers. So that they are more competent and have competitiveness in the world of construction work. "Hopefully this activity can be sustainable and the number of universities participating in this activity will also increase."

This training and certification was attended by 45 Polines alumni who just graduated last September 2018. The Director of Polines, Supriyadi said, the campus has prepared its graduates to be able to compete in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. There are 4 things that are emphasized to be owned by Polynes graduates. Namely language skills, entrepreneurship, professional competence according to the study program as well as character and ethics. "To improve professional abilities, we follow the KKNI curriculum or the Indonesian national qualifications framework. One of them is to strengthen competence with this certification (program)," said Supriyadi. (tons)

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