There are three major challenges that we face today. Namely: democtarization, globalization, and the use of information technology in all areas of life. This will have an impact on attitudes, behavior, values and mindsets.
Academic and non-academic learning experiences (soft skills) according to the level of the program, are formally sufficient. However, it is necessary to feel that it is not enough, because external demands are always evolving and very dynamic.
This was conveyed by the Director of the Semarang State Polytechnic (Polines), Ir. Supriyadi, MT while giving a speech at the graduation ceremony for applied undergraduate and diploma three Polines for the September 2018 period, at the Convention Hall, Central Java Grand Mosque (MAJT), Semarang, Tuesday (25/9).
He invites graduates to always develop themselves. ""In whatever position you are in, you must behave creatively and innovatively," he said. Those who have character and ethics that are marked by caring and continue to want to learn. Today's learning media is very broad, very open, no boundaries, no barriers. On the occasion of this graduation ceremony, the Director of Polines conveyed the great aspirations of Polines. Namely as a center for integrated technology and business innovation. Based on the value of applied benefits, industrial technology and sustainable competitive advantages.
Meanwhile, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, Akhmad Ir. Endro Wasito, MKom, in his report said, the number of graduates who graduated was 1322 people from 10 (ten) Applied Bachelor (S.Tr) study programs and 12 (twelve) three-diploma (D3) study programs. The best graduates from applied undergraduate study programs and three diplomas are: based on the results of the graduation, with the following names: Zunita Agustina (International Business Management-STr) GPA 3.91, Nila Noor Ariska (Applied Business Administration-S.Tr) GPA 3.91, Maysarah (D3-Business Administration) GPA 3.93, Annisa Maharani (D3-Marketing Management) GPA 3.94, Taufiq Nugroho (Mechanical Engineering Production and Maintenance-S.Tr) GPA 3.64, Klara Shanti Rahmadewi (D3-Mechanical Engineering) GPA 3.80, Anis Fadila (D3-Energy Conversion Engineering) GPA 3.65, Putri Achir Wulansari (Building Maintenance and Repair Engineering-S.Tr) GPA 3.85, Ali Fitriyadi (Design Engineering) Roads and bridges-S.Tr) GPA 3.81, Junita (D3-Building Construction) GPA 3.77, Muhammad Rizal (D3-Civil Construction) GPA 3.91, Uly Fahmil Furqon (Computerization Accounting-S.Tr) GPA 3.95, Aulia Alifatul Faizah (Sharia Banking-S.Tr) GPA 3.89, Sanggita Mutiara Hidayah (Financial Analyst-S.Tr) GPA 3.93, Evinta Putri Deviana (Managerial Accounting-S.Tr) GPA 3, 85 , Nadia Savira (D3-Accounting) GPA 3.95, Kinanda Nor Cahya Ningtias (D3-Finance and Banking (D3) GPA 3.94, Yogi Prabowo (Telecommunication Engineering –S.Tr) GPA 3.75, Bigla Agraha Suryanda Putra (D3-Electrical Engineering) GPA 3.73, Emilia Novasari (D3-Electronic Engineering) GPA 3.79, Firman Maulana (D3-Telecommunication Engineering) GPA 3.63, Siti Jum'atun (D3-Informatics Engineering) GPA 3, 97. In accordance with the characteristics of Polytechnic education which prioritizes the discipline aspect, every graduation ceremony, apart from selecting the best graduates, disciplined graduates are also selected. This year, Nadia Savira has a GPA of 3.95 with Cumlaude predicate from the Accounting Department with alpha data (0 hours), permission (0 hours) and illness (0 hours).
In addition, at this graduation, special awards were also given to 2 (two) graduates who during their studies at Polines gave proud achievements. Namely: Veronica Putri Anggraeni (Informatics Engineering Study Program) with the achievement of one of 6 Indonesian representatives at the Google IO and Clinic Applications meeting at Google Office, Woman Techmaker Global Summit, Google Developer Group Global Summit in Mountain View, San Francisco, USA in May 2018. Chosen in the 6 Best Applications at the DSC Leader Summit Indonesia, in Bali, in December 2017 and March 2018 and Chosen as Google DSC Leader Indonesia. 1st place in the National NERD COMPETITION for the Internet of Things category in Yogyakarta in September 2017. 1st place in the IDN Android Competition in Jakarta in August 2017. 2nd place in the National Impact Interfest in the Mobile Apps Competition category in Bandung in November 2017. 2nd place in National Compfest 8 Categories Hackathon Competition in Jakarta in September 2016. 2nd place in the National Unity Competition in the Mobile Apps Competition category in Yogyakarta in May 2016. 2nd place in the National Annual Informatic Competition in the Mobile Apps Competition category in Semarang in September 2017.
The next award recipient is Muhammad Ahsin Fathoni (S.Tr Study Program – Mechanical Production and Maintenance Engineering) who received industry recognition from PT. Mitrametal Perkasa Karawang. Industry recognition from PT. Mitrametal Perkasa Karawang real innovation and problem solving "Engineering Finishing Chamfer Pad Comp R4 Semi-automatic Grinding Machine" which has been implemented in the industry and was able to increase productivity by 464,29%. Since September 10, 2018, he has been accepted to work at PT. Kresno Brothers Engineering Tangerang City and was prepared to become a Junior Manager at one of the company's Plants. This is one proof that graduates of the Semarang State Polytechnic are indeed recognized and sought after by the industry.